Unspoken Power by Paul Mascetta


Product Name: Unspoken Power by Paul Mascetta


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From the Desk of Paul Mascetta
Body Language & Influence Master Coach

My name is Paul Mascetta and I am your very own Body Language & Influence Master Coach. I warmly welcome you to my humble home on the Web.

Let me ask you something:

If you had the one thing that could potentially make your life better a hundred percent by giving you access to people’s true thoughts and emotions, would you grab it?

If you had the ultimate key to success, influence and persuasion, would you be interested in finding that key and keeping it for yourself?

You might be wondering why I’m asking you these questions, but give me a 2 minutes and I can explain to you everything you need to know about persuasion, influence and most importantly, human communication.

Have you ever wondered why motivational speakers and other similar professionals are just so good in communicating with others?

With a single word or a single wave, these individuals can seize the passion and interest of others at such a high level that even after they have spoken, their power of influence remains with the audience.

The secret to their persuasive success:



In fact, you can have some or all of these things and still have no ability to persuade and communicate with people to achieve your most cherished goals in life.

This might sound confusing…

But yes, it is absolutely true!

Current research shows that human communication occurs in three distinct levels – and unfortunately, verbal communication is just one level of the whole communication process.

If the spoken word is just 30% of the message, where did the 70% go? The remaining 70% of any idea, thought or emotion expressed during a face to face conversation is actually expressed through the myriad of gestures, facial expressions, positions and movements that a person uses when he is trying to communicate something to people.

That means if you don’t know how to read body language, you are actually missing a whopping seventy percent of what is actually being said! You lose seventy percent of the total message each and every time.

If you wanted to persuade someone or if you wanted to gain an advantage in any situation, wouldn’t it be a great boon if you actually knew how to ‘read’ other people’s minds by just looking at their body language?

The body language is already there but if you don’t know how to recognize the body language itself and if you don’t know how to connect the body language with the verbal content of the message, then you still won’t be able to make sense of what is actually being expressed (which is completely different from just hearing a person speak).


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Detecting deception when someone is trying to hold information from you or lie to you

Persuading people more easily because you understand what they need by reading their body language during a conversation

Discovering what a person really thinks about you or your ideas… And planning ahead if you want to stay on top of the situation.

Achieving your goals easily and effortlessly by persuading other people – through the power of body language

Gaining the confidence to talk to anyone, anytime knowing that you will never be in the dark about what the other person is really saying and thinking about you

Being in complete control of social situations, even if you have to interact with people that you have never met or spoke to before

Diffusing power players before they get the upper hand

Equalizing social situations so you would be able to influence people more easily

Grabbing opportunities quickly when you see such opportunities when you speak to other people

Turning the tables when you are at a disadvantage during a meeting, conference, presentation or even in a plain conversation

Think about it: humans are social beings. It is impossible for anyone to do anything without the use of language, expression or direct communication. We have an innate need to express ourselves because that is how we developed as a species.

Imagine being able to hold on to that supreme skill of reading other people’s body language every time you have to talk to someone.

That is like holding the key to people’s minds. Every time a person speaks he speaks not only with words and the sounds that he produces but also with his body.

But here’s the thing about body language – people can only control a small percentage of their body language and this can only happen if and only if they have some intentions in mind. 99% of the time, the body language that you will see when people talk is instinctual, habitual and completely natural.

That means people are unknowingly expressing their innermost thoughts, emotions and desires – and if you know how to read body language like an expert, you will be able to understand all of the signals that you will be receiving during a conversation!

You will become the ultimate communicator because you will be able to understand what people are really trying to tell you and you will be able to respond to people’s needs more easily because you actually hear what they want to express rather than what they are just saying verbally.

This is a little known fact in human communication: when a person talks, he does so because he wants something.

He has a need for something. He intends to acquire something for himself.

There is always intention behind communication – and the easiest way to gain rapport and to gain the trust of another person is to understand what these needs are so you can respond to these needs.

Body language is used and understood by world leaders, local politicians, businessmen, organization leaders and other top brass individuals throughout the world.

The greatest movers and shakers of the world are successful at what they do precisely because they can read people so easily. They can change strategies in a heartbeat because they could detect hesitation, fear, anxiety, doubt and a million other things by just watching how people interact with them.

Have you ever wondered why some bosses are loved and some are simply despised?

There is an almost invisible line that separates well-loved leaders from extremely despised ones and this line is actually the ability to communicate well with others. Despised leaders are usually people who have no idea how to truly communicate with others.

They go about forcing their ideas and rules unto others without truly understanding how people ‘tick’.

Well-loved leaders on the other hand are genuine masters of influence because they can read people so well. They can diffuse trouble easily because they can read the most hidden thoughts of people by watching how they express themselves.

This uncanny ability to read people’s behavior and thoughts is not the result of endless seminars or courses in public speech.

Such training doesn’t actually teach you how to understand other people – you just gain insight as to how you can express yourself. What about the other half of the picture?

What about the all-important feedback from the audience?

That’s where I come in. You see for many years now I have devoted a significant portion of my daily life to researching and fine tuning systems of persuasion and influence. It has been my life’s work to teach others how to achieve their goals in life by looking inward and reaching out to the tools they already have so they can persuade and influence others.

For the most part, I teach people how to listen and understand others.

Because when you want to become influential and truly persuasive, you are NEVER IN THE CENTER of the picture. You are never the most important agent. The most important agent is the person that you are trying to persuade or influence.

One of the secrets that I’ve learned over the years as I mastered several fields was that if I put myself as a priority during a social interaction, I won’t get the results that I want. It is that simple.

This applies to anyone who wants to impress a girl or persuade a boss or manager to go with their plans or ideas. The most important person is not yourself but the other person – the person that you want to influence or persuade.

Too often, people make the mistake of putting themselves at the very center of things. I call this the “Me, Me, Me!” problem. When a person thinks that he is the most important person in any form of social interaction, he will lose the battle for influence because he is thinking only of himself.

He will not be responding to anyone’s needs in this type of mindset and thus, his audience would simply abandon him halfway through the conversation – because really, no one wants to listen to someone who doesn’t hear anyone but himself.

Do you see how communication really works now?

Communication is always a two-way process – there is always a constant exchange of ideas and thoughts.

If you make it a one-way process (and your audience is closed off completely) it is not really communicating anymore. You are just setting yourself up for failure because you are not actively listening to the other person.

Body language is unique because it is actually part of the instinctual package that has been handed down to us by our ancestors.

Body language is universal and there have been many studies that prove that many human gestures and expressions are actually understood despite cultural divides and cultural differences.

So it doesn’t matter if you are American and you are speaking to someone from Japan or the Middle East – the foundational rules of body language are the same all over.

People ask me: Paul, is it possible to learn all that you need to know about body language without reading a single book about body language?

My answer is: yes, if you can devote at a few hours a day studying how people interact with other people and how people interact with you.

And by then, you would be limited to a very small cluster of people because our social circles are essentially limited and very few people actually come into contact with more than ten people every single day.

So if you want to learn about body language this way the learning process would actually take longer and you will need much more resources in order to get a more meaningful learning experience.

Like I said before, I had devoted a significant part of my life to studying how human communication really works and how this can be used to achieve specific goals and human needs.

One of the most important components of influence and persuasion is body language.

I have taken the liberty of synthesizing all of my research throughout the years into a comprehensive and easy-to-learn volume that was designed to respond to the needs of both beginners and experienced body language readers.

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the true power of body language:

Unspoken Power is the first and only volume in the market that can help you master how to read body language minus the frills and learning curve associated with other systems or courses. Unspoken Power focuses on the most important aspects of body language and how it relates to the human experience on a daily basis.

Unspoken Power is the only book you will ever need if you want to understand people beyond the verbal channel. If you want to understand all three channels of communication (verbal, vocal and non-verbal) you are in the right place at the right time, my friend.

In Unspoken Power you will learn:

The Role of Communication in Human Life

Mastering Body Language for the First Time

The Essentials of Body Language

The Birth of the Visual Age

The Advent of Mass Communication in the United States

The Power of Visual Representations

Situating Body Language in the Modern Era

From Instinct to Practice – How Body Language Evolved With Humans

The Three Channels of Human Communication

The Power of Non-Verbal Communication

How First Impressions Are Formed

The Role of Body Language in Social Interactions

Parallels: Verbal Content & Non-Verbal Content

Why People Trust Body Language Over Verbal Language

Body Language & Survival Instincts

Conscious & Unconscious Body Language

Studying Body Language in Day to Day Interactions

Analyzing Gestures and Gesture Clusters

Are Women More Perceptive Than Men?

Developing Perceptiveness

Male Brains Vs. Female Brains: The Big Reveal

Universal Gestures and Expressions

Reading Body Language for the First Time

The Rules of Body Language Reading

Dissonance and Incongruence in Body Language

Reading Between the Lines of Verbal and Non-Verbal Content

Advanced Techniques in Reading Body Language

The Big Difference Between Adults and Kids

Do Adults Outgrow Body Language Learned During Childhood?

Reading Children’s Body Language

Detecting Sincerity and Deceit In Conversations

The Why and How of Body Language Reading Practice

Reading a Person’s Hand Movements

How Openness is Expressed Through the Hands

Arm Gestures and Meanings

The Open Palm and Its Meaning

Shifts of Power Through Body Language

Avoiding Common Mistakes With Body Language

Understanding How Handshakes Work

The Significance of Handshakes in Social Interactions

Initiating the Handshake: Who Should Go First?

How Power Is Expressed Through Different Handshakes

Detecting and Remedying Submissiveness

Equalizing Social Situations For Better Results

Detecting Defensive Behavior During Social Interactions

The Human Power Struggle

The Ten Handshakes That You Should Avoid At All Cost!

Exploring the World of Hand Gestures

Attraction and Body Language: What You Need to Know

Thumb Gestures and What They Mean

The Role of Smiling in Human Communication

Differentiating a Genuine Smile from a Fake Smile

The Evolutionary Link – Why We Smile In The First Place

Group Mentality/Pack Mentality

The Role of the Smile From an Evolutionary Point of View

How the Brain Decodes Information Instantaneously

Arm Movements and Expressions

Cultural Differences and Why They Matter

Cross-Cultural Body Language Lessons

Special: Body Language in Japan

How Specific Gestures are Understood Across Different Cultures

Mastering Hand-Face Gestures

Deception, Lying and Body Language

Gestures That Should Be Avoided at All Cost

The Significance of the Eyes During Social Interactions

How Dilation and Contraction of the Eyes Affect Your Audience’s Response to You

Types of Gazes and What They Mean

Understanding Personal Space and How it Works

Types of Personal Zones and Personal Spaces

Types of Seated Postures

What you have just read is a “bare bones” outline of what can be found in my 179-page mega book on body language. As you can see from my humble outline, I have tried my best to cover all of the areas that anyone would need to learn if they wanted to really understand other people’s body language and gain insight from the experience of listening not only to the verbal and vocal channels, but also to the most important communication channel of all – the non-verbal channel.

I have also made sure that every lesson, recommendation and tip in Unspoken Power will be easy to learn and remember so you wouldn’t have to review things twice. You can read it once and you can definitely start applying what you have learned in the real world. My book is a vital springboard that can jumpstart your own learning experience as you practice reading other people’s body language.

Can you imagine the exciting possibilities? With this special knowledge, never again will you have to guess what other people are thinking because you would have exquisite proof by reading their non-verbal messages.

REMEMBER: Non-verbal messages are very hard to control; it is almost impossible to lie with body language because the body responds automatically to what the mind conceives!

My friend, you now have a golden opportunity to change the way you think, speak and act for the better. Your social interactions and the results of all your efforts will increase immensely as you begin to understand what people really want from you when they speak to you. You will also be able to protect yourself from people who are not being sincere to you because you now have a system in place to determine whether or not the other person is saying the whole truth and nothing but.

The nature of the human brain is very unique. Although we are complex, thinking beings it doesn’t mean that our brains are disconnected from our bodies. The body isn’t just a machine that serves the brain – the brain and the rest of the body are connected in many special ways.

Here’s a good example: when a person is frightened, his posture and expression changes automatically. A person can’t fake dilated pupils and cold, clammy hands. The response of the body is immediate and observable and all of this happens in a matter of seconds.

This is the reason why body language is a very special area of knowledge that should be given attention by anyone who wants an easier time when dealing with people. Learning about body language gives you the key that unlocks meaning and expression instantaneously.

Ignoring body language is like placing a blindfold on your eyes when someone is talking to you. Can you imagine being blindfolded when you are trying to listen to someone?

Chances are, you won’t be able to fully comprehend what is being said to you because the brain is waiting for the remaining 70% of the expected input.

The brain needs body language to be able to process any message in its entirety. Without body language, the brain is handicapped because it will not be able to make sense of the entire message because large chunks of it are just plain missing.

Let’s face it – dealing with people can be tough at times. Many people become extremely anxious when it comes to speaking with others precisely because they do not possess the ability to read body language.

The tendency is that when a person is unable to fully comprehend something, confidence flies out of the window fast.

That’s why body language is essential for individuals who wish to improve their self-confidence, because once you understand what other people are really saying, you won’t have to be anxious about what to do or say ever again.

Mastering body language is like opening windows and door of insight – and all of the benefits flow into you as you apply your newfound knowledge to your day to day social interactions.

Seminars and courses on public speaking and body language can cost you thousands of dollars easily. Then you have transportation and lodging and the price of your education goes up even further.

There is no need to subject yourself to such torture anymore because Unspoken Power contains everything you would possibly want to know about body language.

Unspoken Power aims to transform you into a knowledgeable and adaptable body language reader and hopefully, you will be able to accomplish this very attainable goal for yourself.

My biggest dream for Unspoken Power was to be able to help people achieve their dreams, desires and goals by helping them communicate better. That’s why I am offering you my personal, iron-clad guarantee. If for any reason you think my book is unsatisfactory, let me know within sixty days and I will give you your money back… Absolutely No Questions Asked! That’s how confident I am that Unspoken Power will help you understand how body language can really improve your life by giving you the gift of expert communication

All the benefits of being able to understand people better will flow into your life and enrich it.

You might be surprised as to how easy it is to improve personal ties and resolve conflicts by following a determined system of communication that focuses on responding to people’s actual thoughts and emotions as opposed to just listening to the verbal content of the message.

You might also be surprised as to how easy it would be to persuade and influence someone by studying how he chooses to interact with you.

And you know what the best thing about all this is?

You can start reading Unspoken Power right now!

Unspoken Power is convenient digital product that you can carry around with you everywhere you go. You can read it on your laptop, PC, tablet or even on your iPhone or any smartphone.

Paul Mascetta

PS. Unspoken Power is the first of its kind and is the best in its class because it focuses on relaying everything in a simple and easy-to-follow format that everyone would enjoy.

PPS. This is a golden opportunity to radically shift the way you think and communicate with others. Get Unspoken Power now!


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